2010年1月24日 星期日

Spike Lee:黑人電影教父史派克李早期作品簡介 (下) Malcolm X!Malcolm X!Malcolm X!

Malcolm X 

born Malcolm Little, also known as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, 1925~1965 








"I’d never had that feeling of being in a majority black nation. It’s not a majority black neighborhood or section of town - or even region - it’s the entire continent. That place is the foundation of black culture, which is expression, identity, perspective. You can positively affect and change a social circumstance with art, and it’s vital that a change happen now. 

To quote Malcolm X, ‘It’s time to be extreme, because we are living in a time of extremism. The people who are in power have abused it and change has to come.’ That’s where we’re at. We can’t have moderate responses to extreme circumstances."

-- Mos Def  

when asked to talk about his recent trip to Africa  


黑潮 Malcolm X

205 min. 1992

Denzel Washington ...  Malcolm X

Angela Bassett ...  Dr. Betty Shabazz

Albert Hall ...  Baines

Al Freeman Jr. ...  Elijah Muhammad

Spike Lee ...  Shorty

Lonette McKee ...  Louise Little

Tommy Hollis ...  Earl Little

Muhammad Ali ...  Himself - Handshake with Malcolm (archive footage) (uncredited)

Janet Jackson ...  Herself - at End of Credits (uncredited)

Magic Johnson ...  Himself - at End of Credits (uncredited)

Michael Jordan ...  Himself - at End of Credits (uncredited)

John F. Kennedy ...  Himself - Funeral Procession (archive footage) (uncredited)

Martin Luther King ...  Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)

Joe Louis ...  Himself - after Fight with Billy Conn (archive footage) (uncredited)

Nelson Mandela ...  Soweto Teacher

Malcolm X ...  Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)

Andrew Young ...  Himself - with King (archive footage) (uncredited)

奧斯卡最佳男主角提名 (and the winner is Al Pacino)



[first lines]

In the name of Allah the merciful, all praises due to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. The one God to whom praise is due forever. The one who came to us in the person of Master Fard Muhammad and raised up the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Amen.




How do you feel?


Who do we want to hear?

Malcolm X!

Are we gonna bring him on? Yes, we gonna bring him on. Well let us hear from our minister, Minister Malcolm X. Let us bring him on with a round of applause!

Brothers and sisters, I am here to tell you that I charge the white man. I charge the white man with being the greatest murderer on earth. I charge the white man with being the greatest kidnapper on earth. There is no place in this world that this man can go and say he created peace and harmony. Everywhere he's gone he's created havoc. Everywhere he's gone he's created destruction. So I charge him. I charge him with being the greates kidnapper on this earth! I charge him with being the greatest murderer on this earth! I charge him with being the greatest robber and enslaver on this earth! I charge the white man with being the greatest swine-eater on this earth. The greatest drunkard on this earth! He can't deny the charges! You can't deny the charges! We're the living proof *of* those charges! You and I are the proof. You're not an American, you are the victim of America. You didn't have a choice coming over here. He didn't say, "Black man, black woman, come on over and help me build America". He said, "Nigger, get down in the bottom of that boat and I'm taking you over there to help me build America". Being born here does not make you an American. I am not an American, you are not an American. You are one of the 22 million black people who are the *victims* of America. You and I, we've never see nany democracy. We didn't see any... democracy on the-the cotton fields of Georgia, wasn't no democracy down there. We didn't see any democracy. We didn't see any democracy on the streets of Harlem or on the streets of Brooklyn or on the streets of Detroit or Chicago. Ain't no democracy down there. No, we've never seem democracy! All we've seen is hypocrisy! We don't see any American Dream. We've experienced only the American Nightmare! 

[shouting] Malcolm! Malcolm! We want Malcolm! We want Malcolm! 



麥爾坎X還在媽媽肚子裡的時候,屋外就常常聚集三K黨擾民,支持泛非主義者 Marcus Garvey,認為黑人應該回非洲建國的牧師麥爸,開槍警告鬼馬小精靈們莫再靠近。麥爸日後被蓄意火車輾斃,警方說法為男子拿鐵鎚打爆自己的頭,然後臥軌,自我殺害。

麥媽是個有尊嚴,受過教育的堅強女性,她的皮膚不夠黑 (fair-skinned) 因為母親曾被白人侵犯,嫁給麥爸的原因之一是麥爸皮膚有夠黑,她恨透自己被漂白的膚色,希望小孩能多黑點。麥媽事件對麥爾坎X和其他黑人兄弟影響甚遠,因為黑人姐妹都被白人侵犯過,黑人兄弟復仇方式乃玷污白人女性。

I'm tired of playing the cops. I wanna be Bogart.

Shorty, you're too small to be Bogart.

I'm not too short to be Cagney.

丹佐華盛頓和衛斯理史奈普首度出現於史派克李電影第四部電影【愛情至上】(Mo' Better Blues, 1990) 後,衛斯里丹佐兩位帥哥分別主演了倪匡電影 (不好笑),李導的第五部電影【叢林熱】(Jungle Fever, 1991) 和第六部電影【黑潮】(Malcolm X, 1992),也就是本片。

八八年【哭喊自由】(Cry Freedom, 1987) 提名影藝學院獎,丹佐九零年藉【光榮戰役】(Glory, 1989) 拿下奧斯卡佳配,經過三次叩關男主角,終於在零一年以洛城首部曲【震撼教育】和荷莉貝瑞共享小金人。十年後丹佐仍擔任【開膛手】休氏兄弟最新大作 The Book of Eli 後天啟動作英雄,而我們的吸血鬼見愁已經不做大哥好多年。

"Black: Destitute of light... devoid of color. Enveloped in darkness... hence utterly dismal or gloomy... as, 'The future looked black."

Pretty good with them words.

Soiled with dirt... foul... Sullen... hostile... forbidding, as, 'a black day.' Foully or outrageously wicked... as, 'black cruelty. 'Indicating disgrace, dishonor or culpability. And there's others. "Blackmail. Blackball. Blackguard."

That's something, all right.

Let's look up "white." Here. Read.

"White: The color of pure snow. Reflecting all the rays of the spectrum. The opposite of black. Free from spot or blemish. Innocent. Pure." Ain't this something? "Without evil intent. Harmless.

Honest, square-dealing... and honorable." Wait a minute. This was written by white folks, though.

Sure ain't no black man's book.

So why read it? 

So you can read the truth behind the words. You got to take everything the white man says and use it against him.

There's a whole lot of words in here.

Here. Let's start at the beginning. We'll look them up, write them down and find out what they mean. Page one. The first word: "Aardvark."

Aardvark. Earth pig. African, ant-eating mammal. Abacus: Chinese calculating instrument. Abaddon: The place of the lost in Sheol. The bottomless pit.

If you take one step toward Allah... he'll take two steps toward you.

麥爾坎X原本是個順直頭髮,愛搞金髮碧眼高加索妞,逞兇鬥狠偷拐搶騙的小混混,直到他在監獄邂逅精神導師 Elijah Muhammad 使者 Brother Baines 告訴小麥上帝是黑人。接受開導後智慧大開,電影後四分之三的麥爾坎X理光頭髮洗盡鉛華,戴起厚重眼鏡成了教誨諄諄的演說家/煽動家,不僅和老師辯論耶穌不是黑人 (not paleface),離開監獄時已把整部字典完整抄寫一遍。


John F. Kennedy

May 29, 1917 ~ November 22, 1963 (46)

Malcolm X 

May 19, 1925 ~ February 21, 1965 (39)

Martin Luther King, Jr.

January 15, 1929 ~ April 4, 1968 (39)

Robert F. Kennedy

November 20, 1925 ~ June 6, 1968 (42)

The only thing I like integrated is my coffee.

Mr. X, before we begin|our discussion tonight... "The Black Muslims: Hate Mongers"... would you mind explaining for us the meaning of your name which is the letter "X"?

During slavery time, the slave master gave the Negro, the so-called Negro, named the so-called Negro after themselves. Elijah Muhammad teaches us that once we come into the knowledge of Islam, the knowledge of ourselveswe replace our slave name with an "X" 

"X" in mathematics representing the unknown. Since we've been disconnected, or cut off from our own history, our own past, our own culture, our own land, we use the "X," the unknown, until we get back to our country.


最後請容我引述 Nas 的歌詞:

Be, be, 'fore we came to this country

We were kings and queens, never porch monkeys

It was empires in Africa called Kush

Timbuktu, where every race came to get books

To learn from black teachers who taught Greeks and Romans

Asian Arabs and gave them gold when

Gold was converted to money it all changed

Money then became empowerment for Europeans

The Persian military invaded

They learned about the gold, the teachings and everything sacred

Africa was almost robbed naked

Slavery was money, so they began making slave ships

Egypt was the place that Alexander the Great went

He was so shocked at the mountains with black faces

Shot up they nose to impose what basically

Still goes on today, you see? 


↑ 麥爾坎X回答問題時的招牌托腮動作。

"Say It Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud "

-- James Brown


(悟飯的爸爸) 孫悟空:「Don't copy me!!!」













穆罕默德老師:「Why don't you motherf*** shut the f*** up... this nigga, no, NEGRO, has nothing to do with us, we love JFK very much, just like you!!!」


黑人電影教父史派克李早期作品簡介 (上)


↑ Nelson Mandela ... Soweto Teacher

As Brother Malcolm said: We declare our right on this earth...

to be a man

to be a human being

to be given the rights

of a human being

to be respected

as a human being

in this society

on this earth

in this day which we intend to bring into existence

[cut to Malcolm X speech scene]

by any means necessary!!! 


24th Annual Brooklyn Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Part of the 24th Annual Brooklyn Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Mon, Jan 18 at 10:30am

BAM Howard Gilman Opera House

Free! First come, first seated. One ticket per person.

She's Gotta Have It (1986) - Mars & Nola

Shes Gotta Have It 1/3

School Daze is a 1988 musical-drama film, written and directed by Spike Lee, and starring Laurence Fishburne, Giancarlo Esposito, and Tisha Campbell-Martin.

Spike Lee tells the story behind "School Daze", how he feels about fraternities and sororities.

Do the Right Thing (1989) - trailer

There's something about Air Jordan

The Story of Love and Hate

"Fight the Power"

Music and Lyrics by Chuck D. (as Carlton Ridenhour), Hank Shocklee, Eric Sadler, and Keith Shocklee

Performed by Public Enemy

Def American Songs, Inc. (BMI)

Courtesy of DefJam/CBS Records

Malcolm X (1992) - Official Trailer

"I Have No Fear Whatsoever of Anybody or Anything."

"If Somone Puts a Dog on You, Kill That Dog."


On Jan 17 2010, Chloë Sevigny was awarded the Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Supporting R


On Jan 17 2010, Chloë Sevigny was awarded the Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Supporting Role (Television) for her portrayal of Nicolette "Nicki" Grant on the HBO drama series, Big Love. 

Dear Chloë, what is yours, would be yours, and always will be yours. 

Our transcript of Chloë's entire acceptance speech

67th Annual Golden Globe Awards media coverage

Usher Rips Chloë Sevigny's Dress

殺人房間 The Killing Room

90 min. 2008

Release Date:

USA 16 January 2009 (Sundance Film Festival)

USA 13 October 2009 (DVD premiere) 

Nick Cannon ...  Paul Brodie

Clea DuVall ...  Kerry Isalano

Timothy Hutton ...  Crawford Haines

Chloë Sevigny ...  Ms. Reilly

Peter Stormare ...  Dr. Phillips

Shea Whigham ...  Tony Mazzolla 


Closed Captioning Would Have Been Helpful

2010年1月14日 星期四

Spike Lee:黑人電影教父史派克李早期作品簡介 (上)

Spike Lee

20 March 1957, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

曾經參與紐約尼克隊九零盛世的朋友,一定對這位麥迪遜花園廣場貴賓席死忠球迷不陌生。他身材矮小,戴粗框大眼鏡長得像雞,隨時於場邊手持橘毛巾激動叫囂,與「大嘴」米勒對幹的場景更蔚為經典。又或者您有幸在電視上看過喬丹鞋系列搞笑 廣告,觀摩李導與麥可獨霸火星和地球。

總而言之,黑人電影教父史派克李的電影,台灣觀眾只能百聞不如一見,除了艾德華諾頓主演之【二十五小時】以及李導生平最商業作品【臥底】(還給我拍續集哩!!!) 頂多再加電視轉到【叢林熱】,不想繼續百聞不如一見,只好親自下海騎驢找馬。以下是史派克李早期重要作品小簡介。

美夢成箴 She's Gotta Have It

85 min. 1986

Tracy Camilla Johns ... Nola Darling

Tommy Redmond Hicks ... Jamie Overstreet

John Canada Terrell ... Greer Childs

Spike Lee ... Mars Blackmon

Joie Lee ... Clorinda Bradford

Bill Lee ... Sonny Darling

Ernest R. Dickerson ... Dog 8 (as Ernest Dickerson)



這是個關於某女子周旋於三位個性迥然不同男子的迷人愛情小品,亦為 Mars Blackmon 首度現身舞台。筆者觀賞本片最大驚奇乃,猶如伍迪艾倫拍攝曼哈頓般,史派克李竟然將居住布魯克林紅男綠女描繪得如此知性又性感,張張剪影甜美完全不見李導著名激進政治立場。吃飯時間規定留下寶特瓶罐資源回收,同賈木許【天堂陌影】史派克李以極簡預算響起日後美國獨立製片風起雲湧號角。

Cinematography by

Ernest R. Dickerson (as Ernest Dickerson)

Original Music by

Bill Lee

Other crew

Cinqué Lee .... production assistant

David Lee .... still photograph montages

攝影師 Ernest R. Dickerson 生涯總共和李導合作了六部電影,包括日後經典如【為所應為】與【黑潮】。本片另一驚奇即,曾擔任艾瑞莎弗蘭克林唱片貝斯手,史派克李老爸 Bill Lee 編演之優美爵士配樂,為電影添增幾許寫意與韻律。李氏子女由大至小:David Lee (不是尼克隊那個) (廢話) Joie Lee (oie 發音同法文 m"oi") Cinqué Lee 和姊姊於賈木許【咖啡與煙】雙胞胎篇飾演正邪雙胞胎。根本是家族企業。


史派克全身行頭相當酷炫,右圖胸前金條還被戲稱為 chain snatcher。


Oh, you remember that game? 'Nard was serving the whole Celtic squad. Even jammed in Bird's ugly mug. A vicious, death-defying, Brooklyn Bridge, high-flying, 360 slam-dunk.

Wait a minute, man, the white boy's bad, and you gotta give him credit. Larry Bird is the best player in the NBA.

The best? The best?

He's the best in the NBA. The best.

The best? He's the ugliest motherfucker in the NBA, that's what he is.




瞧瞧我們可愛的 Joie Lee。

校園風雲 School Daze

114 min. 1988

Laurence Fishburne ... Dap

Giancarlo Esposito ... Julian

Tisha Campbell-Martin ... Jane Toussaint (as Tisha Campbell)

Kyme ... Rachel Meadows

Bill Nunn ... Grady

Spike Lee ... Half-Pint

Joie Lee ... Lizzie Life

Cinqué Lee ... Buckwheat

Samuel L. Jackson ... Leeds

影史上最偉大黑人校園電影。曾有影評看過【美夢成箴】表示,史派克李滑稽小丑形象好比黑人版本伍迪艾倫,這回他乾脆穿得跟聖鬥士一樣加入兄弟會。史導招牌搞笑招式只有不斷重複同一句話,例如 "Do you know?" "Do you know?" "Do you know?" 很老套但就是好笑。劇情簡單講即黑人尋根運動領袖莫菲斯大戰珈瑪人兄弟會 (the Gammas/ Gammites),但我們李導怎麼可能甘於搞笑YA片層級呢?

Now I bet you niggers do think y'all white. College don't mean shit. Y'all niggers, and you gonna be niggers forever... just like us. Niggers.

You're not niggers.





死對頭朱立安堅持自己是出身底特律摩城的美國黑人 (black American) 而不是非洲人 (African),認為莫菲斯根本不了解非洲,叫莫菲斯夾猴子屁股滾回非洲;




李導以一個帶有超現實意味夢境場景劃句點,莫菲斯大清早不斷聲嘶力竭喊著 "Wake up!!!" 呼叫眾人起床到鐘下集合,最後死對頭朱立安走出宿舍與莫菲斯對望,莫菲斯轉向鏡頭語重心長地說 "Please, wake up." 鐘聲響起。史派克李是鋪陳結局之王,如此簡單卻又深刻,幹筆者哭了!

It takes a real pain to be a Gamma man~

cuz only a Gamma man is a real man~



山謬傑克森 (右二) 與勞倫斯費許朋首次出現於史派克李電影。莫菲斯演完【半夜鬼床第三集】(!) 後擔任本片男主角,九一年【鄰家少年殺人事件】九七年【撕裂地平線】世紀末生涯代表作【駭客任務】奠定黑人大師兄一哥崇高地位。四十歲的山謬以【叢林熱】拿下坎城最佳男配角,四十六歲高齡藉【黑色追緝令】提名奧斯卡佳配,從此縱橫影壇二十五年,再度證明男明星在好萊塢要紅永遠不嫌老。(女人相反真殘酷)

Most good movies are voyeuristic - we feel as if we're getting a glimpse of other people's lives - but most movies about blacks have lacked that quality.

They seem acutely aware of white audiences, white value systems and the white Hollywood establishment. They interpret rather than reveal, and even in attacking mainstream white society, they pay homage to it in a backhanded way.

"School Daze" couldn't care less.

-- Roger Ebert


↑ Alicia Keys's tribute to School Daze

請務必 點擊 音樂錄影帶!

The opening line is "Wake up," while the closing line in Spike Lee's previous film, School Daze, was also "Wake up."

The title comes from a Malcolm X quote: "You've got to do the right thing."

為所應為 Do the Right Thing

120 min. 1989

Danny Aiello ... Salvatore 'Sal' Fragione

Ossie Davis ... Da Mayor

Ruby Dee ... Mother Sister

Richard Edson ... Vito

Giancarlo Esposito ... Buggin Out

Spike Lee ... Mookie

Bill Nunn ... Radio Raheem

John Turturro ... Pino

Joie Lee ... Jade

Samuel L. Jackson ... Mister Señor Love Daddy (as Sam Jackson)

Martin Lawrence ... Cee



傳說中歐巴馬和老婆第一次約會看的約會電影。(真有建設性的約會電影) 靈感來自 真實事件,這部史上最偉大黑人電影不需要多餘的文字贅述其偉大,don't enjoy it, feel it。


史派克李用懶散的,炎熱的,看似漫長的 dog day afternoon 讓觀眾好好認識街頭巷尾的每個傢伙,他們平常在哪裡聊什麼搞什麼愛跟誰混不愛跟誰混愛跟誰搞不愛跟誰搞,等你和這些有血有肉的立體人物建立起情感,什麼派系鬥爭、種族歧視、世界大戰都馬是這樣一點一滴累積醞釀而爆發的。

最後李導引用兩位黑人領袖對於暴力截然不同的觀點,請原諒筆者再度用 幹筆者哭了!來言喻心中悸動。



看我粗勇 boombox 大金剛也知道【獵人之夜】(The Night of the Hunter, 1955) 高深典故。

 mv5bmty0mtewnjcxov5bml5banbnxkftztywmjq3mju2_v1_sx285_sy400_ Robert Mitchum in The Night of the Hunter


I hate this fucking idiot.

He mentions Wilson Chandler and Chris Duhon, though David Lee is New York's best player and lead the league in double-doubles.

Fucking asshole, he's so racist, always hating against white people.

-- LutzakVideos  




就自己拍個都是黑人的 Miracle at St. Anna



黑人電影教父史派克李早期作品簡介 (下)