2008年5月9日 星期五

Interviewing Anna Karina on Thu 21 June 2001 法蘭西第四共和小俏妞

Anna Karina was interviewed by Colin MacCabe at the National Film Theatre on Thursday 21 June 2001 before a screening of Alphaville, part of the Godard season at the NFT.

Becoming French

Anna Karina: Bonsoir


Colin MacCabe: I know that people here will want to ask questions so I'm going to ask just a very few to start us off, and warm us up. The first thing I'm going to ask you Anna is to tell us about what you're doing now. I know you've just been shooting a film with Jonathan Demme, but you've also been telling me about an exciting development which I think you should share with the audience.


AK: Yes that's right, I just did... well I'm singing a song. I'm singing a tango would you believe [laughs]. I wrote the lyrics and it's a wonderful woman called Rachel Portman who wrote the music and Jonathan Demme is really a fantastic and lovely director and he's really so wonderful. We just finished this about one week ago in Paris. What else do you want to know?

是的……我在唱歌,唱探戈你相信嗎 (哈)?我負責寫詞,一位芳名瑞秋波曼的妙女郎譜曲,而強納森德米實在可愛又迷人。這是發生在巴黎一個禮拜前的事了,還有其他問題嗎?

CM: I want to know about your new career...


AK: well, right, it's true. Since one and a half years I'm doing concerts in France and Japan and all over Europe with a young group and we're singing French songs and we're having a great success. It's like a new life.


CM: We're hoping that... Anna has been to Japan and other countries and we're hoping that her band will arrive in Britain in the near future. If we wind back from the present to the past, could you tell us how you came to end up as a ... I mean you were born in Denmark and then you became a French star. How did that happen?


AK: I'm a fourth French [laughs]. I'm not a real Froggy but... Well I kind of figured.... Well... I came to France because I was a run-away girl. I went to France when I was sixteen-and-a-half because I had problems in my family like... so I came to France and I didn't have any money and all that so I made drawings on the road, on the streets to earn some money, but that didn't pay very well. So after a while I went to see the ...un curé, comment dire...a priest. On the Champs Elysees there's a kind of church, a Danish church, and I went to see the priest and I ask him if he could not find me a kind of room somewhere, and he did. So I lived there and I went around in Paris and suddenly I found a place where I thought was great and that was St Germain les Près. And then somebody asked me if I would like to make some pictures and I said, "Yes". I said, "Well, it might be dangerous..." at that time there was [...], you know, young girls to South America and all that. So I said, "well, if you come with a lot of people it will be okay." That was very naïve of course. But they did; they came with the hairdresser, with the assistants with the photographers and all the people arrived. So I did some pictures, and I was very excited because I earned some money to live, to eat. I was very skinny. I had one dress - a black dress I remember, and one pair of shoes - they were white. It was really not very.... So I did, it's becoming too long this story...

我是法蘭西第四共和小俏妞 (哈)。本人

CM: Well, speed it up.


AK: So I did these pictures and I said, "Can I get my money" and the lady said, "No, we have to release the pictures in the papers before you get paid." And I said, "Well that's terrible." She said, "Well, we'll give you some pictures to show and we'll give you some addresses to go and see some people." So I went to see Le Journal Elle. You've head about that? And Madame Lazares was there with another lady called Coco Chanel and Coco Chanel said, "Who are you?" and I said, "I'm just me - I'm called Anne Karine" She said, "Well - you wanna be an actress?" I said, "Yes" and she said, "You're gonna call yourself Anna Karina." Et c'est Coco Chanel qui ma donné mon nom. Par hasard. Et moi je savais pas qui c'était, j'ai dit, "Oui Madame." I didn't know who she was. Mais c'est la vie hein? J'avais 17 ans. C'est normal.

所以我拍了照片,然後說:「老娘可不是慈善家。」「在我們把照片刊登在報紙前妳都得當慈善家。」「法克尤。」「小姐小姐別生氣,通往大明星的康莊大道已經鋪妥。」於是我前去 ELLE 雜誌社,拉札蕾夫人和可可香奈兒首當其衝,可可香奈兒問本小姐怎麼稱呼,我答道:「本小姐就是我,安娜寇忍。」「想當女演員?」「酷炫。」「從今以後,安娜寇忍將改名為安娜卡麗娜。」這就是安娜卡麗娜的典故。我當時並不知道可可香奈兒是誰,我當時只有十七歲。

按:安娜本名 Hanne Karen Blarke Bayer。

photo4 ← Cate Blanchett is Coco Chanel

Meeting Godard

CM: And then the legend has it, you'll tell us whether it's true or not, that Godard saw one of these pictures. Is that right?


AK: Well, afterwards, to earn my life I did a lot of pictures because I had to live, I had to eat. So he saw me in a publicity sample, for a soap. And then he asked me to come and see him so I got this letter and it said, "Would you like to come and see me? I want you to do a little thing in 'Breathless'." And I said, "What do I have to do?" He said, "You have to take your clothes off." So I said, "No, I'm not going to do that." So I went away. And then I forgot about this because you know... Three months later he asked me again and I didn't know so I had this rendezvous and so I came and ... this telegram, because you know at that time we didn't have all the stuff we have now... And it said, "Would you like to come and see Jean-Luc Godard chez ...". Et j'ai dit, "This time it might be for the great part, the first part, the leading role." So I said, "Well, this is a joke..." and I said to my friends, you know I had friends like Claude Brasseur, and [...] , and they said, "You must go and see this guy. He did a film. It's not out yet but everybody says it's fantastic." So I said, "What is this? It's Jean-Luc Godard. You must go and see this guy." So I went there and I he said to me, "Okay, come and sign this contract tomorrow." I said, "What? What is this?" I recognised his glasses, his dark glasses and I said, "I know I have to take my clothes off." He said, "No, no. It's a political film." "What!"




I cannot speak. I'm 18 years old. I would never know how to do that Monsieur. He said, "Don't you worry. You just have to do what I tell you to do." I said, "Okay. But what do we have to do?" He said, "You just come with your mother tomorrow and sign your contract." I said, "But I can't do that. I'm under-age and my mother's not in Paris and I have to send..." And he said, "Oh la la la la. Your mother, your mother. Ask your mother to take the airplane." So I said, "My mother, she never took an airplane. And she doesn't want to do that maybe." "Oh la la la."


So after a while I phoned my mother and said, "You've got to take the airplane to come and sign. And she did."



photo4 ← Cate Blanchett is Coco Chanel

Anna Karina Soap Commercial (1959)

5 則留言:

  1. 哈哈,很久沒來逛了(請原諒,北京的網路不方便上台灣部落格嘛...),輾轉從breeze1985小姐家又連到這裡

    版主回覆:(12/27/2011 03:04:48 PM)




  2. 光點的布列松對話?那東西說實在有點被Mike搞砸了說...因為我感覺他一直插嘴害我都沒辦法好好思考,哈


    版主回覆:(07/21/2008 03:42:26 PM)

    關於拒絕裸露一事,高達質問她:「我看妳拍廣告洗泡泡澡洗得那麼高興,怎麼不肯為我的 masterpiece 賞光呢?」

    Anna Karina 回說:「神經病!我在廣告可是全身包緊緊,你沒看到泡沫都到我脖子了嗎?衣服脫光光是你自己在幻想。」


  3. 冒昧問一句...我可以把這幾篇AK訪談貼到這裡:(http://www.douban.com/group/topic/3736081/)去

    版主回覆:(07/22/2008 01:53:01 AM)


  4. 補充一下:
    Et c'est Coco Chanel qui ma donné mon nom. Par hasard. Et moi je savais pas qui
    c'était, j'ai dit, "Oui Madame." I didn't know who she was. Mais c'est la vie hein?
    J'avais 17 ans. C'est normal.

    版主回覆:(07/24/2008 02:01:24 PM)


  5. 你的翻譯真的很台...且還需要有時代敏感度才行...

    版主回覆:(07/24/2008 02:13:06 PM)

